The Digilab at Dr Mz is technically a suite of 5 gaming computers, 5 laptops and 3 iPads but in reality it is so much more. We engage with young people in all the digital spaces where they want our support including Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, Discord, Instagram and Facebook.We work collaboratively with a range of other community organisations including Cardiff Youth Service, Spectrum Gaming, Wise Kids, Carmarthen Museum, MAD (Music Art Digital) Swansea, Technocamps at Swansea University and many more.
We help young people navigate the issues and risks around the ever converging online/offline worlds in an honest and practical way, so that they can gain all the benefits it has to offer. We run sessions on:
- Gaming
- Coding
- Podcasting
- Music Making
- Film Making
- Photo Editing
- Animation
- Custom build computing
- Digital Storytelling
- Poster Design
- Office Applications
- Foundational IT Skills
- Accreditations (e.g. ASDAN Computer Vocational Taster, WJEC Essential Digital Literacy Skills, Building a High Performance PC course)
- Be Internet Citizens (Internet Safety Programme)