
Meet our Trustees

Jane Davies, our chairperson, has been a trustee since 2015, transitioning from her previous role as a project manager for over 10 years within the organisation. Jane has extensive experience in working with young people. She holds academic credentials in Criminal Justice, including a BSc, PGCE, and MA, and currently serves as a lecturer at Swansea University, imparting her expertise to aspiring professionals in the field.

Nicola Welton, our vice chair and trustee since October 2020, serves as the Academic Director for Childhood, Youth and Education at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. In this role, she manages various programmes, including accredited Youth Work and Early Years programmes, as well as broader Education programmes up to PhD level. She remains active in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate youth work students. With a background as a qualified Youth and Community worker, Nicola maintains a keen interest in working with young people and communities.

Kelly Tomlinson, our treasurer since 2024, has worked in the third-sector for a number of years and her background is in youth work. Her career started at Dr Mz first as a volunteer and then as a paid staff member. She is passionate about the ethos of Dr Mz –providing safe spaces, listening to and empowering young people and keeping young people and their thoughts at the heart of everything we do.

Vic Nurton has served as a trustee at Carmarthen Youth Project since April 2010. He initially joined the organisation due to his parental involvement, spurred by his son’s teenage years. His commitment expanded further through a community connection with our esteemed founder, Dr Margaret, a local physician, who encouraged his participation on the board of trustees.

Matthew Webster, a Trustee since 14 November 2022, fulfils his primary role as the vicar of St Ystyffan’s Church in Llansteffan. Demonstrating his commitment to community service, Matthew has orchestrated volunteering initiatives for our youth, engaging them in the upkeep of local church grounds. Notably, he actively participates in the LGBTQ+ community, serving as a dedicated member of the Carmarthen LGBTQ+ group. His inclusive approach is evident through his recent organisation of a vigil at his parish church, honouring the life of a young transgender individual.

Darren O’Connor, a Trustee since 2024, currently teaches on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for Youth Work and Social Education. He is a qualified and experienced youth and community worker having worked extensively in both voluntary and statutory sectors. He also has experience as a Head of Service for Access and Inclusion in local government, and has worked in central government on policy for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs. I has much experience of fundraising in the voluntary and statutory sectors, in project development, and leadership and management.

Llinos Jones, a Trustee since 2024, currently works as the Engagement Manager at Yr Egin/S4C.